Tag: Health risks
A look back at the international debate on the 5G standard. A profound insight into the issue of managing the discussion on the risks associated with 5G is provided by Prof. Werner Thiede, adjunct professor of Systematic Theology at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and publicist.
Critical comment on the Gigabit Infrastructure Act (GIA) for the deployment of 5G millimeter wave technologyđź”—
In their letter, Rainer Nyberg and Lennart Hardell illustrate how the GIA proposal violates several EU laws and puts human health and the environment at risk by deploying 5G across the board, including millimetre waves, without safety tests and a proper impact assessment.
Phonegate Alert Ready to Take Legal Action against ANFR’s Failings🔗
French National Agency for Frequencies (ANFR) apparently failed to inform the EU about 42 cell phone models exceeding Specific Absorption Rate threshold. PhoneGate, our partner, has repeatedly contacted the agency for a response, but to no avail. Phonegate is ready to take legal action once again to seek liability of ANFR.