Speakers at ESC Conference 2024
Germany 28-30 June
We’re so excited to announce line-up of speakers!
Alain Thill, M.Sc.
Presentation: The biological effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) on insects
The presentation summarizes his systematic review and meta-analysis that examined the biological effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) on insects to understand the potential impacts of man-made technologies. The study examined the effects of EMF on various insect species and evaluated the existing literature to uncover potential risks associated with EMF exposure. Additionally, he also presents some newer results of field studies that have appeared since the review was published.
Dr. med. Cornelia Waldmann-Selsam
Co-initiator of the Bamberger Appell 2004, in which 130 medical doctors asked for medical tests before further expansion of mobile phone networks. Several publications on this subject. Between 2004 and 2007 home visits at 1600 residents living nearby mobile phone base stations, documentation of symptoms and RF radiation measurements.
Presentation of case studies at the expert discussion of the German Federal Office for Radiation Protection in 2006. Observation that trees began to show damage at the same time as patients reported symptoms. Documentation of tree damage around over 1500 mobile phone base stations.
Study „Radiofrequency radiation injures trees around mobile phone base stations“, 2016, together with Balmori, Balmori-de la Puente und Breunig.
Presentation of the study at the International Workshop: Environmental effects of electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields: Flora and fauna, 2019, organized by the German Federal Office for Radiation Protection.
Presentation: Tree Damage Caused by Radiofrequency Radiation
Exemplary Observations from 2005 to 2024 in Germany
Dr. Med. Mallery-Blythe
Founding Director of Physicians’ Health Initiative for Radiation and Environment (PHIREmedical.org)
Special Expert: International Commission on Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields (ICBE-emf.org)
Honorary Member: British Society of Ecological Medicine (BSEM)
Medical Advisor: Oceania Radiofrequency Scientific Advisory Association (ORSAA)
Medical Advisor: Electrosensitivity UK (ES-UK)
Member: International Guidelines for Non-Ionising Radiation (IGNIR)
Emergency Trauma Medicine is her area of expertise in hospital, and in training for this specialty she has a broad base of medical experience including surgery, anaesthesiology, obstetrics, paediatrics and intensive care (both neonatal and adult). She has worked in hospital emergency rooms, led trauma teams, taught on trauma medicine courses throughout the UK and abroad and was selected to instruct doctors on teaching within medicine for Advanced Trauma and Life Support (ATLS).
In 2008, she began researching biological effects of non-ionising radiation with a special interest in Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS). She has lectured globally on non-ionising radiation health effects with a focus on the need for medical education and protection of vulnerable groups including children as well as those with EHS. She formally transitioned from clinical medicine to full time research in 2015, and continues to advise where appropriate and necessary. Given that the task of providing such support for ever growing numbers is escalating, she founded PHIRE (Physicians’ Health Initiative for Radiation and Environment) to facilitate education on a larger scale.
Presentation: Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS), Current insights from the field
Lecture Content: Dr. Mallery-Blythe will briefly outline some of her findings from work in this field over the last 15 years, including some highlights from the recent publications from ICBE-emf.org. She will describe some of the issues currently faced.
Dipl.-Ing. Jörn Gutbier
The focus of diagnose:funk‘s work is to raise awareness of the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields from various sources on health and the environment independently of industry and politics, thereby changing the behaviour of consumers and politicians, identifying solutions for sustainable and environmentally friendly technologies and supporting local authorities in formulating and implementing a precautionary mobile communications policy.
Presentation: The range of scientifically proven risks of mobile phone technology
Jörn Gutbier is going to present the range of scientifically proven risks of mobile phone technology, to discuss the (protective) value of mobile phone limit values, to describe the future of mobile communication in terms of precaution, and to point out technical and structural alternatives. The lecture will be rounded off with practical tips for everyday use of smart phones, DECT phones and Wi-Fi in the home.
Christina Santini
Certified in Human Nutrition (Metropolitan University College Copenhagen), Certified in Biological Medicine (Paracelsus Academy), Certified in Medical Thermography (Total Thermal Imaging CA), Certified in Course on Coaching & Leadership (Harvard Medical School), Certified in Course on Ayurveda/ Eastern Medicine, Certified yoga teacher
On-going education in the fields of brain chemistry, addiction medicine, functional medicine, and lab testing. Christina Santini has experience of over 15 years in working with functional medicine and customised nutrition in Europe, New York and Los Angeles. She has worked with nutrition therapy and brain chemistry balancing for Dr. Eric Braverman MD in New York (pioneer in brain chemistry and anti-aging medicine). She specializes in health optimization, early risk detection and disease prevention through thermal imaging and lab testing in order to treat the root cause of many symptoms and reverse many so-called “chronic conditions”. She has specialised in treating issues related to environmental toxins and mold since 2008 including screening for EMF exposure for her clients since 2017.
Presentation: How to protect ourselves from EMFs
Understanding how EMFs impact us and strategies we can take to minimise negative health impact. In this talk we will focus on gaining insight into the things we can control, so we can function in a wireless world that we have little control over.
After this talk you will be able to identify things in your daily life you can control to bring down your EMF exposure, understand co-existing conditions that make you more vulnerable to the damaging impact of EMFs,prioritise nutrients that can protect from the cell damage of EMF.
Website: Home — The Nutrition Clinic
Email: []
Michaele Kundermann
Michaele Kundermann is a lecturer and therapist. She is founding member of the alliance of citizens’ initiatives critical of wireless communication in Germany (Bündnis Verantwortungsvoller Mobilfunk Deutschland – bvmde e.V.) and long-time coordinator of the alliance. She was candidate of the party dieBasis for the 10th European Parliament.
Interview with Oval Media on the ECI campaign “Die Funkfalle”
Preliminary contents of my speech:
1. Does Europe have ears to listen to us?
2. A new beginning in Europe with the 10th European Parliament:
3. How can an MEP represent the interests of EHS affected people in the European Parliament?
4. Currently digital instruments for citizens’ control are being examined by the European Commission, what influence does an MEP have?
5. Hurdles for European Citizens’ Initiatives (ECIs) are too high
Prof. Dr. Dr.habil. Klaus Buchner
Prof. Dr. Dr.habil. Klaus Buchner wurde am 6. 2. 1941 in München geboren. Nach dem Studium der Physik in München und Edinburgh / Schottland, u.a. bei Prof. Higgs (Nobelpreis 2013) arbeitete er am Max-Planck-Institut für Physik und Astrophysik, München, dessen Direktor damals Prof. Heisenberg (Nobelpreis 1932) war, an den Universitäten in Kioto / Japan (unter Prof. Yukawa, Nobelpreis 1939) und in Chandigarh / Indien, am Internationalen Zentrum für Theoretische Physik in Triest und zuletzt an der Technischen Universität München. Insgesamt verfasste er gut 80 wissenschaftliche Arbeiten in verschiedenen Gebieten. Er verbrachte Gastaufenthalte in Ägypten, Dänemark, Griechenland, Italien, Polen, Rumänien, Ungarn und USA. Von 2003 bis 2010 war er der Bundesvorsitzende der Ökologisch-Demokratischen Partei ÖDP. 2014 wurde er ins Europäische Parlament gewählt; 2020 übergab er sein Mandat an seine Nachfolgerin Manuela Ripa. Im Parlament war er in der ersten Legislaturperiode in den drei Ausschüssen für Außenpolitik, Menschenrechte und Sicherheit/Verteidigung und als stellvertretendes Mitglied im Ausschuss für Außenhandel. In der zweiten wechselte er zu den Ausschüssen Umwelt/Energie sowie Industrie/Forschung, blieb aber stellvertretendes Mitglied des Ausschusses für Außenhandel.
Außerdem war Buchner von 2014 bis 2020 Mitglied der EU-Delegation für den Iran. Als Kernphysiker konzentrierte er sich auf das „Nuklearabkommen“ JCPOA von 2015 und die Situation nach der Vertragskündigung durch die USA. Ein besonderes Anliegen war ihm außerdem die Verletzung elementarer Menschenrechte im Iran.
Prof. Buchner ist verheiratet und hat vier Kinder. 1992 erhielt er die Goldene Verdienstmedaille der Universität Wroclaw (Breslau) / Polen. Außerdem wurde er zum korrespondierenden Mitglied der wissenschaftlichen Akademie „Academia Peloritana dei Pericolanti“ in Messina / Italien gewählt.
Seinen einstündigen Vortrag auf unserer EHS-Konferenz wird er auf Deutsch zu folgenden Themen halten:
„Neue Schadensmechanismen auf den menschlichen Organismus durch Mobilfunk“ und „Neue Aspekte in Politik und Recht“
Professor, Dr. med. univ. Wilhelm Mosgoeller
Career: University Research Assistant, Sabbatical in UK, SHO at John Innes Plant Research Centre (Norwich, UK); Vienna University Hospital Housemanship in Gastroenterology & Pneumology; Head of Cell and Tissue Culture Laboratory at the Institute of Histology and Embryology; since 01/1999 Work Group Leader and Research Project Manager at the Vienna Institute of Cancer Research
Radiofrequency EMF related activities:
- Project Coordinator for the European Commission (2002-2006), Austrian Workers Compensation Board, Austrian BioNanoNet, and various smaller funding agencies.
- ATHEM Research Programme coordinator (AThermal Effects of ElectroMagnetic fields)
„ATHEM-1 (2002-2008); ATHEM-2 (2012-2016) ATHEM-3 (2021-2024);
Research on Biological Effects of radiofrequency EMF exposure at low intensities (Non-thermal effects”) - Member of Austrian Standards Institute since March 2000 Workgroup TSK EMV-EMF
- Project coordinator and Editor of LSB-Brochure: “Precautionary principle for the construction, operation, modification and expansion of fixed transmitters” (2nd edition 2014)
- Since 2023: Conception of ATHEM-4 research protocol
Thomas Thrän
Presentation: ELECTROHYPERSENSITIVITY! What is that?
An “illegitimate disease” as an expression of a danger to humans, animals and plants. Electrohypersensitivity is often dismissed as a purely psychosomatic illness.
The speaker provides information on the clinical picture according to the latest scientific findings and presents his own studies on the subject. He gives specific tips for those affected, relatives and practitioners on how to deal with it.
The general ignorance of the population regarding the massive health risks posed by radio waves is in stark contrast to the worrying results of free science, which conducts research independently of the industry lobby. In addition to the political aspect, the presentation will focus primarily on the clinical picture with definition, diagnosis, biological pathological effects and therapeutic approaches. In particular, the current study by Belpomme will be presented, which clearly proves by laboratory, radiology and ultrasound that EHS is a treatable physical and neurological disease associated with organic changes.
It also explains exactly how you can protect yourself and your family from excessive exposure to electromagnetic fields. On this day, the speaker will provide information on these and many other aspects, in particular the effects on health. With just a few simple steps, you can save yourself around 75% of the radiation exposure. Mr. Thrän will show you how. We promise!
Matthias von Herrmann, M.A.
Matthias von Herrmann studied political science, political economy and chemistry with a master’s degree at the University of Stuttgart, Germany. From 1995 to 2003 he joined the local Greenpeace group in Stuttgart, took part in many actions of civil disobedience and learned how to do press work and campaigning successfully. From 2010 to 2016 he was one of the leaders of the citizens’ movement against the railway and real estate project “Stuttgart 21”. Since 2019 he works as press officer and campaigner for diagnose:funk.
BEEFI-study: door-opener to politicians
Presentation: Questions about BEEFI study
Matthias von Herrmann will join the ESC conference via Zoom to answer all your questions on how the BEEFI study can be a door-opener to talks with politicians.
Mgr. Petra Bertová Polovková
Presentation: You can also get involved in forming EU laws. EU claims that. But is it true? Is EU still a democratic project? An institution that respects the values of freedom, solidarity and human rights, or is it just another autocratic, central state body outside of democratic control, losing legitimacy?
Petra will be talking about EU Parliament, European Commission and citizens’ political tools that the citizens can use to raise his/her voice and whether it matters.